Keplr Wallet Extension | How to Install | Keplr Wallet Onboarding

Keplr Wallet Extension is a browser extension wallet designed for the Cosmos ecosystem. It offers users a convenient way to manage their Cosmos-based assets, interact with decentralized applications (

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Keplr Wallet Extension is a browser extension wallet designed for the Cosmos ecosystem. It offers users a convenient way to manage their Cosmos-based assets, interact with decentralized applications (DApps), and participate in various activities within the Cosmos network directly from their web browser. Please note that developments and features may have changed since my last update.

Key Features of Keplr Wallet Extension:

  1. Cosmos Ecosystem Integration:

    • The Keplr Wallet Extension is specifically tailored to work seamlessly within the Cosmos blockchain ecosystem. Users can manage their Cosmos-based assets and explore different blockchain zones directly through the extension.

  2. Multi-Chain Support:

    • Supporting various Cosmos zones, the extension allows users to handle multiple chains within the Cosmos ecosystem. This includes managing assets from different interconnected blockchains.

  3. Interchain Staking:

    • Users can engage in interchain staking, contributing to the security and stability of the Cosmos network. Staking activities, such as delegating assets across different Cosmos chains, can be performed directly through the extension.

  4. Cosmos Stargate Upgrade Compatibility:

    • The Keplr Wallet Extension is designed to be compatible with the Cosmos Stargate upgrade. This upgrade introduces features like Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC), facilitating communication and asset transfer between different Cosmos blockchains.

  5. WalletConnect Integration:

    • The extension integrates with WalletConnect, allowing users to securely connect their Keplr Wallet to supported DApps and services. This feature enhances the extension's usability by enabling interactions with a broader range of applications.

  6. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Providing a user-friendly interface, the Keplr Wallet Extension aims to simplify asset management, transaction history viewing, and interaction with decentralized applications. The design caters to both novice and experienced users.

  7. Cross-Platform Accessibility:

    • Similar to Keplr Wallet, the extension is designed to be accessible across multiple platforms, including web browsers. Users can access their Cosmos-based assets and participate in the decentralized ecosystem using the extension on various devices.

Getting Started with Keplr Wallet Extension:

  1. Installation:

    • Users initiate the installation of the Keplr Wallet Extension directly from the extension store of their preferred web browser, such as the Chrome Web Store or Mozilla Add-ons.

  2. Wallet Creation:

    • New users create a new wallet through the Keplr Wallet Extension, securing it with a password and receiving a recovery seed phrase for backup.

  3. Asset Management:

    • Users can manage their Cosmos-based assets directly within the extension, viewing balances and exploring different blockchain zones within the Cosmos ecosystem.

  4. Interacting with DeFi:

    • The extension enables users to interact with decentralized finance applications within the Cosmos network, including decentralized exchanges and lending platforms.

  5. Secure Transactions:

    • Users securely send and receive assets within the Cosmos ecosystem using the extension, benefiting from the security features implemented by Keplr.

Considerations and Security:

  • Secure Key Storage:

    • Users should securely store their private keys and recovery seed phrases. Hardware wallets are recommended for enhanced security.

  • Regular Updates:

    • Users should keep the extension up to date to benefit from the latest features, improvements, and security patches.

  • Official Sources:

    • To avoid phishing scams, users should only download the Keplr Wallet Extension from official sources, such as the official website or recognized browser extension stores.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, users should refer to the official Keplr documentation, official website, or other official sources associated with Keplr Wallet Extension.

Last updated